Daniel Rogger

World Bank Development Economics Research Group






About me


Service Delivery
Climate Change
Debt Relief
Technical Assistance


Dan at the United Nations

I aim to make my policy work both academically rigorous and practically useful. I hope to help bridge academia and policy in a useful way. A summary of my policy work is below, and you are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or are involved in the public sphere and would like to work together.

I believe we live in an incredible time. Our actions today will determine the fate of our climate, our oceans, and of the poorest people in the world. Everyone has a role to play in moving us away from a future scarred by the past rather than nourished by it. Play your part in every way you can.

My main research agenda revolves around the capacity to deliver public goods to poor people in the developing world. However, implementing the findings of service delivery research offer a fresh set of challenges. My aim is to integrate frontier research findings with public policy with the same focus I bring to the underlying research.

Moreover, I believe delivering public goods is of importance at every level of society. I am keen on supporting my local community (in the Capitol Hill area of Washington DC) and every level above it. I endeavour to deliver public goods wherever I feel I can add value.

Dan doing street clean up